More packages from home

I’ve been back from Berlin for about two weeks now (pictures and posts on that still to come) and have officially been in Turkey three months! Three months an the packages are still coming. I’m amazed at not only how much people are willing to spend to send stuff (some postage stamps read $70), but the time and thought they put into these packages. As egotistical as this may sound, it’s always nice to have a reminder that people think of you when you’re not around. I’m getting packages faster than I can send stuff back to the States (the post office is often closed by the time I get home from work), but I will just have to try harder.

It’s become an odd tradition now to catalog these packages. So here is what we have so far:

One friend sent us a package in which everything was wrapped like a birthday present.

One friend sent us a package in which everything was wrapped like a birthday present.


Oreos, York Peppermint Patties, Tostada shells, taco seasoning, and Gatorade flavorings. People read my blog! Yay!

Oreos, York Peppermint Patties, Tostada shells, taco seasoning, and Gatorade flavorings. People read my blog! Yay!

In case you can't see it, the Pringles in the back are peppermint Christmasy flavored. We were getting adventurous. And to add to the Halloween Oreos, Football Oreos, and Double Stuff Oreos, we now have holiday Oreos!

In case you can’t see it, the Pringles in the back are peppermint Christmasy flavored. We were getting adventurous. And to add to the Halloween Oreos, Football Oreos, and Double Stuff Oreos, we now have holiday Oreos!

This is my favorite so far. My stepmom sent my stocking from home, packed with little Christmas presents, which I'm not allowed to open yet. (It also included the Christmas letter my dad sends every year.) I got this package at work and started to cry right before I was supposed to meet with parents.

This is my favorite so far. My stepmom sent my stocking from home, packed with little Christmas presents, which I’m not allowed to open yet. (It also included the Christmas letter my dad sends every year.) I got this package at work and started to cry right before I was supposed to meet with parents.

BRAVE!!!! So excited about this one! And not one, but TWO pacakges of Oreos.

BRAVE!!!! So excited about this one! And not one, but TWO pacakges of Oreos.

Thank you to everyone who has sent a letter, card, or package. Though the candy and presents are awesome, when you’re miles away from home, it truly is the thought that counts. (With that being said, we now have enough Oreos to last us the year.)


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